Wednesday, November 25, 2009

3 Effective Affiliate Marketing Tools for your Business

Building an affiliate marketing business is similar to working a regular job. Without the knowledge, skills and tools it will be impossible to succeed. Here are 3 effective affiliate marketing tools for your business. These will assist you in moving your business in the direction you desire.

1. Your Own Website:
The majority of affiliate marketers online today do not have their own website. Although some may be doing well, in order to move your business to the level you desire, you will need to build your own list. Chose a niche, build a website and keep the content fresh and up to date. Having your own website means that you can turn around and offer your prospects even more information and products.

2. Autoresponder:
Having an autoresponder service will enable you to start building a relationship with your list. When a prospect opts-in to your website they will immediately receive a message from you that was generated through your autoresponder service. These emails have been prewritten by you and set to send on certain days for your prospects to receive. In these messages you can include valuable information regarding your niche and other products your list may find helpful.

3. Traffic Tracking Tool:
With your own website you will need a tool that will track the visitors to your site. This type of tool will accurately count the number of visitors to your site as well as other important stats. This is how you will be able to see which traffic generation method works the best so you can focus more efforts on proven methods. In order to continue to get the best conversion rates, you have to consistently test your site and any revisions you may make.

I hope you have found these 3 effective affiliate marketing tools for your business helpful. You will need to create your own website, communicate with your list by building relationships through your autoresponder service and keep up with the relevant stats that will enable you to make better business decisions.

How To Make Money Online-4 Simple Options

Making money online presents the new internet marketer with critical decisions as to how to monetize their website or blog.This article looks at 4 of the options.

In this article I look at 4 of the most common forms of monetization for your blog.Which method you choose will have a huge influence on your success as an internet marketer and it is vitally important to recognise that what will work on one site will not work on another.

1.Google Adsense

Google Adsense is a popular and easy monetization model to implement.Some marketers and blog owners tend to overlook it because of what they percieve to be poor returns but this only skims the surface of the story because Adsense can be very effective on blogs or websites which are product oriented.

The reason for this is that the Adsense ad which will be placed on your site should be very highly targetted so if your site is about flat screen televisions the likelihood that the adsense block on your page will have various special offers and deals for flat screen televisions.

This in turn will lead to a high click through rate and good returns for you..provided you get sufficient visitors to your site.

2.Affiliate Marketing

In this category I am referring to Clickbank products which are electronic and immediately downloadable by the purchaser.The commission rates for these products can range from 50 per cent up to 75. These are mouth watering commissions but the difficulty of securing sales and the sometimes high return rates make this an ultra competitive form of monetization for the new internet marketer.


Ebay is a popular and effective form of monetization which has recently changed it's reward scheme for it's partners to a click based scheme, similar to adsense.

EBay provides all sorts of widgets and tools to allow you to feed products from their online auctions to your site.This can work very well for the site owner and the use of plug ins such as PHP Bay and BayRss allow you to display very targetted listings on your blod.


Amazon,like Ebay, offers various tools to allow you list their products on your site and you get paid a commission for each sale.The commission rates are small but the huge range of products on the Amazon network of sites means that it can be a nice little earner over time and you will often experience somebody buying a product through your site and then buying other products direct from Amazon when they visit the will get paid for those additional unrelated products.

4 Tips To Help You Get Better Weight Loss Results

Are you having trouble getting the desired amount of weight loss you want no matter how hard you try? Then you must know some imperative tips to help you attain better weight loss results.

The tips will help anyone achieve better results for weight loss if you remember them and do them every day. Here are the most important tips you need to know for achieving better results.

One: Drink plenty of water - This may not seem important to losing weight but it is very important. In order to achieve the results that you want you need to make sure your body is getting enough water.

If you don't then you could find yourself with other health problems and not hit your weight loss goals. Always make sure you drink plenty of water to keep you hydrated.

Two: Eat a healthy diet - There are many people that want to lose weight but never change their diet. This is a big mistake because the foods that go into your mouth will determine if you lose weight or gain weight.

The different foods you want to eat on a daily basis are:

- Fish - Chicken - Turkey Other lean meats - Fruits - Vegetables - Whole grains

By eating a healthy diet you will soon see that the results for your weight loss are becoming better every day. Remember to stay away from junk food because this will help you gain weight not lose it.

Three: Exercise - It is very important that you set up an exercise routine that you can stick to. Choose exercising that is not hard for you to do above will help you lose weight.

You don't want to exercise too much but you must do some to lose weight. Here are some of the different exercises you can do for weight loss.

- Walking - Jogging - Swimming - Light weightlifting - Aerobics - Yoga - Bicycle riding

These are just some of the things you can do. Be sure to choose one that is not too hard for you to do and that you will enjoy doing. This makes losing weight much easier.

Four: Get plenty of rest - You need to sleep at least 8 hours a night in order to get plenty of rest. The more rest your body has each day the easier it will be to lose weight.

These are some of the most critical tips to know to help you achieve better weight loss results. Do these tips on a daily basis and before you know it you will find that you are achieving the results that you want to with ease.

Know Your Potential Market

If you've ever tried selling something, you will no doubt have discovered that there are certain words and phrases that work to motivate people into buying. These words and phrases are referred to as "hypnotic words."

Writing successful sales pages for your online business is not a lot different than selling something offline. Your sales copy must be constructed around proven hypnotic techniques. In other words, if you choose the right words and place them in the right place, you will be legions ahead of your competitors and you will be making money.

Most of the well known marketers know this and use hypnotic and psychological marketing techniques that capture visitors and won't let them go until they buy the product or service offered. You can do the same.

Certain words...that are very powerful will motivate and stimulate specific actions from your readers.

Here's the proof. How many times have you clicked on a sales link that mentioned something for "FREE?" Or possibly you were being offered some "newly discovered secret" or "hidden technique" that you just could not ignore? These words tap into your emotions (and there is nothing logical about emotions)...they exert an hypnotic pull on your curiosity and we just can't help ourselves until we click the link and see what it was they were offering for free or what the "big secret is."

The key to success with "words that trigger" is to know your potential market. Without this knowledge, you won't know which keywords are their hot "triggers." Ask yourself what keywords are your potential customers using in their search? You must appeal to their self interest or you will loose them.

For example: because of the stressed economy, more and more people are turning to the Internet and work at home solutions for added income. The "Work at Home" niche is extremely popular right now as the allure of working in the privacy of your own home, with very little overhead, is hard to resist.

Some emotional keywords that would work with this niche are:

Money Work at Home Easy Income Need more money? Earn money while you sleep Get Rich Quick

So, short of reading their mind, how do you know what word "triggers" will work for your niche? ask them! That's the only surefire way to find out exactly what your customers want in information and products.

Surveys are perfect for this. In fact, there is a reason that most surveys ask the same questions of their potential buyers, so copy what works:

1) What your customer will buy (software, mentoring, ebooks, scripts?) 2) What is their time frame and when do they plan on purchasing? 3) How much they plan on spending for the product 4) How the product or service will serve they will use it.

Obviously you can see the merits of knowing this valuable information. This will give you a peek into the mindset and wallet of your potential customers. There is no guesswork involved with this kind of marketing.

You can add to the list with your own questions, just don't make the list too long or involved or they might loose interest. Keep it simple, with clear questions and wait for their responses. Some people even offer some sort of gift to those who participate. After all, they are giving you their time.

From the information you've gathered, make a list of the emotional "trigger" words that you feel would work in your target market...campaigns, sales letters, newsletters, forum postings, and emails.

Most importantly, don't ever miss a chance to show your good manners or appreciation for your clients loyalty or business. Using the emotional triggers of "recognition" and "making them feel special" will go a long way to keeping your customers content and buying from you.

Understanding your target market is the first step to using the right emotional triggers and hypnotic words. The time and effort needed to research this information will pay off in the end with increased conversions.

Make Money Online Through eBay

In this modern day everything is possible with just a few clicks of the mouse. Want to make a tuna casserole? Go online and search for its recipe. Been missing a friend who is abroad? Go chat with her over the internet. Shop online for that dress you've been dying to have but can't find the time to go to the mall. The world is literally and figuratively at the tip of one's finger. Even to make a living online is made possible by this innovation. You can peddle articles, offer tutorials, be an online secretary or make money through the ever famous eBay.

You can actually make a serious living by simply selling items through eBay. Start a business without shredding too much amount of money. You can either market your things second- handed or buy and sell goods. But in order to join such, you must first learn the basics.
You should know first that in eBay there are three modes of auction or naming your items price. These are as follows:
* Auction style listing- Determine how many days your item will be up for bidding.
* Fixed price format- Tag a fixed amount to your item. No auction is necessary.
* Fixed price format with best offer- Instead of bidding, the buyers will present an offer which they think the product is worth. The best offer of course gets the item for sale.
After determining on how you will tag a price to your items, you can now give the details to the item you are about to sell. See to it that you give a detailed description to your items. Remember that you are online and that your buyers merely rely on the picture you posted and the details you give. For example, you are about to sell a pair of shoes. You classify whether it is for male or female. Its type, if it is a rubber shoes, stiletto, sandals, sneakers, etc. Specify its size, brand, if it's new or old, etc.
There are countless of items you can market but eBay has a list of items they prohibit or restrict. Some of which are as follows:

* Tobacco unless it is a collectible or tobacco related item
* Human parts and remains except for skeletons which may be used for scientific research
* Alcoholic beverages
* Soiled underwear. (Please do yourself a favor, don't sell your filthy clothes.)
* Drug and drug paraphernalia
* Firearms, explosives, ammunition
* Fake, illegal and stolen documents like birth certificate, drivers license, medical records
* Gambling items
Generating money from eBay is not a bad idea especially in this day and age where everybody is hooked in the internet. But you should bear in mind that no matter how easy this may seem, you can't just have a fat wallet effortlessly. To make a living is never too easy. No matter what business we enter into, our efforts will not go unpaid. So work hard, sell hard.
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