Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Do You Want To Start Your Own Business?

Have you ever stopped to think about the goals that you have made for your life? We have all had plans and dreams about what we want to achieve in our life time. When I was in college I had thought about many things that I wanted to accomplish. Then life began to happen and many of my dreams were set aside to deal with the reality of what was going on. Instead of working on my master's degree I was raising a family and keeping my household running. I was enjoying my children and my relationship with my husband but so many things that I wanted out of my life seemed to be slipping away with the passage of time. When my last child finished high school and entered college I decided that it was time to once again focus on some of my dreams and goals.

When I first started working I had decided that I did not want to spend my entire working life working for someone else. I knew that as an employee I was helping to make my employer rich and that I would never see the full benefits of the time and effort that I put in. I knew that the way people made big money was to start your own business. I was beginning to realize that I needed to act on this soon or I would be working longer than I wanted to. My husband warned me that I may no longer have the energy to pull this off. He felt that to start you own business you had to build from the ground level up and establish it through many years. We had agreed that we would retire in our late fifties and he was concerned that my dream to start your own business was going to get in the way of this. I told him that I at least needed to do some research into this to feel that I had at least made an attempt towards the goal. We agreed that I would not become involved in anything that would jeopardize our retirement time frames. I told him that one of my co-workers had received information to start your own business that outlined a ten year plan to make a good living. This is where I wanted to start to see if it involved something that I would be interested in.

My criteria for getting involved in a business were that it would be something I could do from home without a great deal of travel and be product based rather than information based. I looked at many different sites that out lined ways to start your own business. I became involved with a company that has been in business for over twenty years and made products for the environment. I liked the fact that I could get involved with the business while still being involved in my job so we were not losing income. Within six months I was able to quit my job and match the income that I had been bringing in. I love being my own boss and setting my own hours. It is never to late to work on your goals and accomplish your dreams.


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