In this article I look at 4 of the most common forms of monetization for your blog.Which method you choose will have a huge influence on your success as an internet marketer and it is vitally important to recognise that what will work on one site will not work on another.
1.Google Adsense
Google Adsense is a popular and easy monetization model to implement.Some marketers and blog owners tend to overlook it because of what they percieve to be poor returns but this only skims the surface of the story because Adsense can be very effective on blogs or websites which are product oriented.
The reason for this is that the Adsense ad which will be placed on your site should be very highly targetted so if your site is about flat screen televisions the likelihood that the adsense block on your page will have various special offers and deals for flat screen televisions.
This in turn will lead to a high click through rate and good returns for you..provided you get sufficient visitors to your site.
2.Affiliate Marketing
In this category I am referring to Clickbank products which are electronic and immediately downloadable by the purchaser.The commission rates for these products can range from 50 per cent up to 75. These are mouth watering commissions but the difficulty of securing sales and the sometimes high return rates make this an ultra competitive form of monetization for the new internet marketer.
Ebay is a popular and effective form of monetization which has recently changed it's reward scheme for it's partners to a click based scheme, similar to adsense.
EBay provides all sorts of widgets and tools to allow you to feed products from their online auctions to your site.This can work very well for the site owner and the use of plug ins such as PHP Bay and BayRss allow you to display very targetted listings on your blod.
Amazon,like Ebay, offers various tools to allow you list their products on your site and you get paid a commission for each sale.The commission rates are small but the huge range of products on the Amazon network of sites means that it can be a nice little earner over time and you will often experience somebody buying a product through your site and then buying other products direct from Amazon when they visit the will get paid for those additional unrelated products.
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